Autism Treatment
Autism Treatment
Autism Treatment
IIAHP has the best success rate in Autism treatment, all across India. All children are improving with our Autism Interventions. We take new children with Autism all year. We employ several international Techniques under one roof. In our IIAHP therapy center, foreign therapists visit twice a year to teach new techniques of Autism treatment to our Staff. Senior IIAHP staff train in foreign countries to keep the team updated on the latest techniques for the best results with therapies. Our therapy center is fully air-conditioned and 100% the area is under CCTV surveillance
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IIAHP has the best success rate in Autism treatment, all across India. All children are improving with our Autism Interventions. We take new children with Autism all year. We employ several international Techniques under one roof. In our IIAHP therapy center, foreign therapists visit twice a year to teach new techniques of Autism treatment to our Staff. Senior IIAHP staff train in foreign countries to keep the team updated on the latest techniques for the best results with therapies. Our therapy center is fully air-conditioned and 100% the area is under CCTV surveillance
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